-->> Tap&Tap Application is the game application Provide good entertainment to the user.
-->> This Application requires hard concentration to reach at highest level so it will also test patience & concentration power of user.
-->> It challenges those users who always looking for achieve something its challenge for that user to reach at 20th Level.
-->> In this game Two different faces provided, that allows user whether to play square or spear & after choosing option just need to click start button to play game.
-->> When User click on start button images start blinking randomly & user have to select last blinked image.
-->> Starts with 5 blinks in first level it increments 5 blinks in each level & max level is 20.
-->> User have to play up to 20 level to reach at highest level & to make highest score.
-->> If user missed any blink or choose wrong image than game will be over.
-->> It will also manage 10 highest scores, If user scores more that lowest of high score than it allows user to save score with their name & also can share it with friends on Facebook.